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PART-II: Night


"I thought I asked you not to try it again", The cloaked figure covered in darkness looked almost tired.

"No, you told me I would fail if I tried again. Completely different." I was back in my room, the blankets wrapped around me almost like a second layer of clothing. Might as well, It was always extremely chilly everytime after.

"Besides, if you want me to stop, you can always just let me have what I want.", The dark silhouette almost looked formless in this room. It was like seeing something that your mind knows does not belong, making you see a badly rendered version of reality.

"That is not how I work. There is a time for everyone and you have not yet reached that point.", He looked exasperated, which was quite amusing, although that could just be the bloodloss talking."Simply trying to expediate your existence will not get you anything."

First of all, 'expediate my existence' is an awesome phrase that I will be stealing from this point forward. Secondly, what he says does not make sense. People 'expediate their existence' all the bloody time. I am not the first person to think of doing it.

"Okay friend, I am going to call you friend because I see you more times than I see my actual friends. We both know that what you're saying is complete bull. If people could not make their own choice regarding their life then what even is the point of free will?" I could feel his eyes, if he had them, boring into my face. I guess he really wished he just did what I asked right then."Besides, isn't your job to simply ferry people along. Why are you even so bothered by who does what?."

"First of all", The cloak slowly swished around him as he moved towards my bed and kneeled by its side," I am not of life, and consequentially not bound by what you think life must have or not have. Secondly, it is not my fault that humanity imagines me as a caretaker of souls and essence. I am a true entity from the beginning of the universe. I am neither a ferryman nor a chauffeur. Thirdly, before you ask, I am not going to engage in conversation with you regarding the nature of what you believe as the afterlife."

"Okay", I said running a finger along the fresh scar on my hand, "fair enough. But you did not answer one question. Why do you care? And more importantly why me? A lot of people are very succesful in doing what I am trying to do."

"Do not repeat this. You will only end up failing." He said rising from the side of the bed and walking towards the window."I hope I will not have to see you again before it is time."

"There's only one thing that failings never stopped me from doing...", I looked at him gathering his shadows at the window,"...friend". As the darkness lightened I was left alone, sitting in my room, with the sounds of owls and night dew keeping me company.

We will meet again, I am sure of it.

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